Sunday, October 14, 2007

My Date With Drew (**) TV

I woke up early this morning and stumbled on the documentary. I kind of wanted to see it. Blockbuster always has a copy for like $2, but I never bought it. I thought the movie was cute, but seemed childish and very amateur. I couldn't make anything better, but i can't get Super Size me out of head when i watched it. If Super Size didn't exist it think I would apperate the style a little more. There were some cute ideas like faking a press pass or buy and camera and returning it 30 days later. Brian seems like the dorky film geek kid i don't want to work in
Hollywood. Sure i love Spielberg and such, but he was seemed to stereotypical, maybe for the movie I’m not sure. Overall for $2 or a early morning movie it was ok entertainment.

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